I believe in the Fatherhood of God, and the Brotherhood of Man; I believe in Friendship, Love and Truth as basic guides to the ultimate destiny of all mankind. I believe my home, my church or temple, my lodge, and my community deserve my best work, my modest pride, my earnest faith, and my deepest loyalty, as I perform my duty “to visit the sick, relieve the distressed, bury the dead, and educate the orphan” and as I work with others to build a better world because in spirit and in truth, I am, and must always be, grateful to my Creator, faithful to my Country, and fraternal to my fellow man;
I am a Rebekah.
I believe in the Fatherhood of God. The Brotherhood of man, and The Sisterhood of woman.
I believe in the watch-words of our Order –
Friendship, Love and Truth.
Friendship – is like a golden chain that ties our hearts together.
Love – is one of our most precious gifts, the more you give, the more you receive.
Truth – is the standard by which we value people. It is the foundation of our society.
I believe that my main concern should be my God, my family and my friends.
Then we should reach out to our community
and the World, for in God’s eyes, we are all brothers and sisters.
I am a Rebekah
I am a Patriarch!
I believe in the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man;
I believe that the watch-words of our Order,
Friendship, Love and Truth
are stronger, when supported by Faith, Hope and Charity;
I believe that working within my home, my religion, my society and my Encampment to promote the teachings of our Order
is my main objective;
As I work with others in every endeavor, I must always remember and
practice the Golden Rule.
Knowing the perils of the Rough Road, it is my duty to encourage trust, toleration, assurance and
assistance whenever possible.
l am a Patriarch!